Michael Martin
a month ago-*****I have a 5 year old Great Dane named Bob. Bob is possibly the most excitable Dane ever, and I have had 9 Danes myself and have know scores more. As big as Danes are, Bob would get so excited when he saw another dog that he would often overpower me while trying to get to the other dog to play. After enduring several years of falls and the resulting scapes and cuts, including being dragged down a sidewalk for 200 feet I heard about Lauren from Pet Peeves. She has worked miracles! After several private lessons at home, she had me bring Bob to group classes. The first few times he would get almost uncontrollable and I would have to drag him away from the group; but after 7 lessons Bob can now walk in and out among the other dogs (a changing group), and he will sit or lie down calmly and allow other dogs to walk around him. Her techniques and expertise work! I highly recommend Lauren and urge you to contact her if you are having problems with your dog. Don’t settle for just a “good” dog, create a “perfect” one.
Carol Stanton
3 months ago-*****We had in home training and we are totally happy with the results! Very friendly and knowledgeable. Always taking the extra step to make sure that everything was going as We would like. Would highly recommend!

Lionel Bauman. 2014
This is a recent photo of Mr Wrinkles. A few months ago I met Lauren of Pet Peeves Dog Training.At the time I needed my dog as my service dog and wanted him to be able to work as a Therapy Dog. I knew I had months if not years of training. As soon as Lauren met him she told me he’s smart, you need the training. We worked together and each week she gave me my homework. Today Mr Wrinkles is my service dog and works at the Northport VA as a therapy dog for some of their residents. I recommend Pet Peeves for any training anyone needs. If you want any recommendations from me feel free to contact me. I can’t say enough wonderful things about Pet Peeves.

Christina M. and Cristina V.
Lauren has been our dog trainer since we were blessed with our Maltese puppy, Dexter. We attended Puppy Kindergarten classes, which were essential in providing Dexter with a foundation for basic obedience, discipline, and socialization skills.He could be trusted around children and was willing to learn from such a young age because of Puppy Kindergarten.Starting him so early was worth every ounce of our time and energy because it gave him the groundwork he needs to be such a well-behaved dog who ACTUALLY listens!
We are now doing leash training with Lauren, and it is obvious that Dexter is capable of learning and wants to learn because he has been involved in the learning process from the first day of Puppy Kindergarten.Lauren’s knowledge on training and behavior is superior. She is personable and truly, truly loves Dexter, which is obvious at every session and is the reason we know she is the perfect trainer.
Dexter is now 11 months old, LISTENS to us, and is still involved in training with Lauren.We are happy to say that he is growing into a well-behaved young man because of Lauren and all her effort, knowledge, and love!Most importantly, we know it is worth all the time and money because with Lauren’s help and guidance Dexter will continue to be such a good, happy boy for the rest of his life.

Dan & Anne Cicchesi
Lauren is a very caring and professional dog trainer and helped us greatly with our Siberian Husky puppy, Caesar.When we first decided to give Caesar puppy training, he was difficult to control and had a problem with jumping up on people. We contacted Lauren, and we began to see immediate positive results in his behavior. He started listening to basic commands and learned how to interact and behave well with other dogs.
I kept working with Caesar after classes with Lauren ended, and used the techniques she showed me. Today Caesar is well behaved, no longer jumps up on people that come to our home, and we are very satisfied with the results.Thanks Lauren for all your help.
Laura Paesano
I’m so happy I found Pet Peeves Dog Training. Lauren is so knowledgeable and helpful, and the difference I see in my dog Basil is unbelievable. He has a lot of anxiety issues and, after just a few weeks, she taught me how to train him in a way that he feels calm and comfortable in stressful situations. I’m also really happy that she offers group classes after our sessions are over so I can continue learning techniques to help Basil’s behavior in the future. The investment is so worth it. If you put the time in, Lauren will give you all the skills you need to turn a troublesome dog into a perfect gentleman!
Cynde Baumann
3 months ago-*****We adopted a 2 year old dog from a local shelter and discovered she had never been socialized. Lauren came to our house with a service dog to meet our new pup. She quickly discovered that our pup was meeting a dog for the first time and just needed a little help. We have been to two training classes and our sweet pup is doing remarkable. Four more classes in this series and she will be even more of a super star than she already is. Lauren knows dogs. We highly recommend her.
Katie Share
5 months ago-*****Lauren works wonders! She has a way with our humane society dogs that I haven’t seen from any other trainer in my 17 years at the shelter. I trust her judgement without hesitation! She has helped me personally with some issues that my dogs have had. Just a few suggestions from her and my dogs are doing great! I would recommend her 100% to anyone in need of a trainer.

I just want to thank Lauren Driscoll from pet peeves for training Colby. I also want to thank Paws Of War for helping me get Colby and connecting me with Lauren. Lauren is a great trainer who has her own company called pet peeves dog training. She is a very loving and caring person , and helps rescue dogs for veterans with PTSD. Thank you Lauren from me and Colby, thank you and your husband for letting me stay and feeling at home. Love you both!!
Kim Foreman-Kakanas
Lauren from Pet Peeves leash trained my two 10-month old pit bull puppies. She came to the house for a fee evaluation and met Bentley and Copper and told me what training would cost including 5 week training, collars and leashes.Training went great, Lauren (Pet Peeves) always arrived early and Bentley and Copper were always happy to see her!Once they greeted her it was time to get to work…Collars and leashes on we head outside. The boys responded well to both Lauren’s praise and treats (she was always positive, friendly and happy.)I was nervous having 2 pups to get trained BUT it worked out so fantastic with the 2 because I had one and Lauren took one and she was able to show/model a technique and then I would “try.”We would switch taking turns with each puppy to make sure they would both respond to me and the command.After the first lesson I can honestly say that Bentley and Copper were so mellow that night that they were like different pups…I was afraid of collar training because the collar is a little scary looking and I was nervous that when I would try working with them alone in between trainings that they might not let me put the collars on them…but when they see the collars they run to get them on.We have completed 4 out of the 5 training sessions and Pet Peeves has allowed us to hold off on the 5th–so if the boys need a refresher or when we open our in the ground pool if we need to “train” them to stay away from it.
I would definitely recommend Lauren and Pet Peeves Dog Training The progress we saw after 1 lesson was amazing and now after 4, I can walk two puppies (1 year old pups) at the same time by myself!
Karen Brady
Hi Lauren,
Trooper is doing really well! He has learned the ‘down’ command and now drops to the floor immediately! Sometimes he drops into a down before I even ask him to, as if he’s reading my mind! Poodles can be so smart its ridiculous. We’re working on a distance down because currently if I put him in a sit, walk a few feet away, then tell him “down,” he runs up to me and lays down at my feet instead of just dropping down where he is sitting.
So, we have a little work to do there. Playing ball with him is also more enjoyable because he now brings the ball back to us instead of playing ‘keep away,’ so he’s getting more exercise that way, too.We have had him in the car several times for short trips and he’s MUCH better.He’s also much improved around guests in the house.!
So, we’re still working with him and still making good progress. We still need some improvement in the car and with his barking when people come into the house, but that’s entirely our fault as we’ve let that part of the training slide for a while.
Thanks again, Lauren!

Joshua & Patricia Kolodnicki
Lauren was the third trainer we used after the previous two failed in helping us control our dog’s aggression.Her extensive knowledge of body language, training methods, and behaviors helped us restore peace in our home once again. We were impressed how she handled our individual problems and came up with comprehensive solutions.She is an exemplary trainer and we would proudly recommend her to anyone.

Buster -(Yorkie) Angela —Highly Recommend
Hi my name is Buster, I’m a 6 month old Yorkie. and my leader is named Angela. We meet Lauren when I was 3 mos. old.My leader was seeking out a trainer when she saw Lauren’s Puppy Class Ad. There, is were we first meet her, It was a fenced in area that was safe for them to play in. There were large and small dogs as well as some small children. This is a very Special Socializing Class.Lauren was excellent, she assured us we would be ok with the other dogs.as there was a lot of play, learning, on an off leash. I went through tunnels, over hoops and even sat on a skateboard.
My next step now is to have the best trainer come to my house and help my leader and me to learn the special techniques on how to –sit stay, leave it, down, off and heal. But most of all I would like to tell all my puppy friends –this is a great place to learn & have fun.You too, can transform into a wonderful puppy, & someday be able to help others like I will.
Thank You Lauren, from one of your little balls of fire.

Dan & Anne Cicchesi
Owning a pet turned out to be a challenge until we enrolled our dog and ourselves in Puppy Kindergarten.This program was a great experience for my sons and I. We learned how to train Pandora, and how to maintain her proper puppy behaviors.We’re very happy and proud to have a well trained pet.
Maryann Brett
Hi Lauren,I just want to thank you. We used your services to train leash Milo. It is such a pleasure to see far he came. When Milo is out in the yard you call come Milo he comes, telling him off to sit. We are still practicing place this is a little hard being that we don’t have a lot of traffic coming in and out. He uses his bells, climbs up and down the stairs finally.Thank you so much!